Frequently Asked Questions
We are located in the Student Services Building, Room 350. Our offices provide free and confidential Victim-Survivor Advocacy services as well as condoms, HIV testing, wellness coaching and other Health Prevention Education.
You came to the right place! Supporting friends can be challenging at times. Please contact our office and one of our staff can talk to you about campus resources, methods to communicate with your friend, and how to practice self-care. In the meantime, you can submit an anonymous tip to the Office of the Dean of Students and their CARE team will contact your friend for a wellness check. Learn more about CARE and you can also get submit a tip through the SafeUT app.
Any student, staff, or faculty member at the U are eligible for our Victim-Survivor Advocacy program. All of our other services (e.g., STI testing, wellness coaching, etc) are only for students.
Most employees of the U are mandatory reporters under Title IX. This means that if a student discloses they have been a victim of sexual or domestic/dating violence, stalking or sexual harassment the employee must report it to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
Our Victim-Survivor Advocates (and other staff) are confidential which means that what you disclose to them does NOT constitute a report to the Title IX office or law enforcement. We will keep information and conversations with our clients private and confidential. No information is shared with anyone outside of the Center for Campus Wellness without your written permission. You can choose as much or as little as you'd like to disclose to your Victim-Survivor Advocate.
As required by law, there are a few standard exceptions where we may break confidentiality: disclosures of active or suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation of children, elders or vulnerable adults; threats or cases of imminent danger to others; and for certain crimes that occur on campus property, limited information about the type, location and date of crime. You can always ask your advocate if you have questions about confidentiality and decide how to proceed.
Believe and listen to the person. Tell them about our Victim-Survivor Advocacy program and offer to support them in accessing our services. If they are not ready to seek professional support, that's OK. Let them know that it is completely their decision and should they change their mind, you are available to support them when they're ready.
If you are a University of Utah employee, you are required to report disclosures to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (OEO). Click below to submit a report. Tell the person who disclosed to you that you must report the information to OEO. OEO will ensure they have access to resources (often times, OEO has our VSAs reach out first). Let them know that an investigation will not be started without their consent.
Our Victim-Survivor Advocates support students, faculty and staff who have experienced (or are experiencing) any type of interpersonal violence. This can be stalking, dating or domestic violence, sexual harassment or exploitation, sexual assault, rape, etc.
While we offer mobile STI testing and flu shot clinics, we do not provide other medical care. That being said, if you are in need of medical assistance and do not know who to contact, please contact us and we will help you find the right medical center for you!
We offer free mobile flu shot clinics in the fall in partnership with the Student Health Center! Check out our events page to find the next clinic. If you missed one of these free clinics, the Student Health Center can still provide a free flu shot with an appointment. You can also receive a flu shot from local pharmacies or other medical providers at an affordable (and sometimes free) cost.
There are multiple options for free or affordable testing in the community. Contact the Utah AIDS Foundation, Planned Parenthood, or the Department of Health to learn more.
Contact the Student Health Center at 801-581-6431.
Good news! We no longer charge for condoms.
Condoms are available at the FeedUPantry and through our latest initiative: Pleasure Pack Delivery Service. Visit our Safe(r) Sex webpage here for more information.
We have multiple opportunities for students to get involved! You can see them all here.
You can read about all of our training opportunities here.
Wellness coaching supports students in finding life balance by building a plan and providing accountability to reach their wellness goals. Learn more about wellness coaching.
We provide a safe, caring, and affirming space for students who are in recovery or are seeking recovery from substance use. We strive to foster a supportive recovery community where students can feel empowered, resourced, and engaged to achieve academic and personal success.
We are not a clinical program but we work to support students in recovery through referrals to campus resources, RU events and activities, and more.
Our Office
Our Victim Survivor Advocate and Health Prevention Education offices are conveniently located on campus. Feel free to stop by or call us between 8am - 5pm, Monday - Friday if you have any questions or comments!
Center for Campus Wellness
201 South 1460 East, Room 350
350 Student Services Building (SSB)
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Our Student Services Building location is open Monday - Friday from 8AM - 5PM. We provide a number of resources and services for the campus community including workshops and trainings, Victim-Survivor advocacy services, STI/HIV testing, student involvement opportunities and more.
A variety of trainings on different health and wellness topics. Participants leave with practical skills and a better understanding of how to create a healthier and safer campus community.
Free and confidential support for students, faculty or staff who have experienced interpersonal violence (rape, sexual assault, stalking, harassment, dating or domestic violence). Located in the Student Services Building.
Drop-in HIV testing in the Student Life Center and mobile gonorrhea/chlamydia testing. Both tests are free for current U students.
Wellness Coaching
Participant in a one-on-one collaborative conversation where a coach will aid you in achieving your health and wellness goals. Our wellness coach will help you take small, attainable steps towards improving your wellbeing.