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Workshops & Training

Workshops and Trainings

If you are requesting Center for Campus Wellness presence at a tabling event, please fill out form here.

The Center for Campus Wellness provides trainings and workshops for students, faculty and staff. Participants leave with practical skills and a better understanding of how to create a healthier and safer campus community.

  • We need at least 3 weeks to process workshop requests and priority is given to University of Utah student audiences (e.g., classroom requests, student groups). We may be able to accommodate other requests on a case-by-case basis. Please email with any questions!
  • Please note: submitting a workshop request is not a confirmation that the workshop will be scheduled.

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Workshops with our ACES logo are led by our ACES peer health educators.


Center for Campus Wellness Basics

20 minutes

What is the Center for Campus Wellness? Who are we? How can we support you? In this short presentation, we will cover our mission, services, opportunities to get involved with our office, and more!

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75 minutes

Check on U-Tah empowers students to check on their community members and prevent harm from occurring. This workshop will discuss how biases, social norms, & everyday barriers (e.g., technology, distractions) perpetuate harm and prevent community support. Through dialogue, interactive practice, and self-reflection, participants will leave the workshop with increased abilities in being a good community member, noticing harm, and holding one another accountable.

See our Event Page for any Upcoming Trainings

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You may also be interested in educational opportunities from McCluskey Center for Violence Prevention. Check out their offerings here.

75 minutes

Check on U-Tah empowers students to check on their community members and prevent harm from occurring. This workshop will discuss how biases, social norms, & everyday barriers (e.g., technology, distractions) perpetuate harm and prevent community support. Through dialogue, interactive practice, and self-reflection, participants will leave the workshop with increased abilities in being a good community member, noticing harm, and holding one another accountable.

See our Event Page for any Upcoming Trainings

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50 minutes

Learn how rape culture exists in our society, methods to unlearn harmful myths, and the reality of sexual violence on college campuses.

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50-60 minutes

Let's talk about the basics of sex, protection, and consent to pave the way for healthy, respectful, consensual, AND pleasurable relationships!

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60 minutes

This workshop is for anyone wondering what to do when someone discloses that they have experienced harm from: relationship/dating, sexual, and or family violence; stalking and or sexual harassment. This workshop will cover topics such as: knowing when you need to mandatorily report, practice supporting an individual during a disclosure, and creating a self-care plan after a disclosure.  

Together we will go over these topics, answer questions, and gain skills to reduce further harm during disclosures. After this workshop you should feel better equipped to navigate disclosures of harm, have a clearer understanding of your role as a mandatory reporter, and how to refer survivors to an advocate.

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75 minutes

Let's begin to explore the nuances of masculinity and unpack the definition of authentic masculinity/masculinities. In this workshop we will dive deep into your experiences with masculinities and how it has impacted your life and the world you live in.

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75 minutes

Check on U-Tah empowers students to check on their community members and prevent harm from occurring. This workshop will discuss how biases, social norms, & everyday barriers (e.g., technology, distractions) perpetuate harm and prevent community support. Through dialogue, interactive practice, and self-reflection, participants will leave the workshop with increased abilities in being a good community member, noticing harm, and holding one another accountable.

See our Event Page for any Upcoming Trainings

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50 minutes

Alcohol and drug misuse can have lasting impacts on your wellness. Learning about low-risk use and how to create a safer party culture will empower you to make safer decisions around drugs and alcohol.

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75 minutes

Check on U-Tah empowers students to check on their community members and prevent harm from occurring. This workshop will discuss how biases, social norms, & everyday barriers (e.g., technology, distractions) perpetuate harm and prevent community support. Through dialogue, interactive practice, and self-reflection, participants will leave the workshop with increased abilities in being a good community member, noticing harm, and holding one another accountable.

See our Event Page for any Upcoming Trainings

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50-60 minutes

Let's talk about the basics of sex, protection, and consent to pave the way for healthy, respectful, consensual, AND pleasurable relationships!

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75 minutes

Check on U-Tah empowers students to check on their community members and prevent harm from occurring. This workshop will discuss how biases, social norms, & everyday barriers (e.g., technology, distractions) perpetuate harm and prevent community support. Through dialogue, interactive practice, and self-reflection, participants will leave the workshop with increased abilities in being a good community member, noticing harm, and holding one another accountable.

See our Event Page for any Upcoming Trainings

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60 minutes

What stresses you out? In this workshop we allow space for participants to think about their unique personal stressors and develop a plan to move through those stressors while maintaining wellness as best as possible. You will leave this workshop with a better understanding of how to support yourself and others through college's most stressful moments.

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75 minutes

Let's begin to explore the nuances of masculinity and unpack the definition of authentic masculinity/masculinities. In this workshop we will dive deep into your experiences with masculinities and how it has impacted your life and the world you live in.

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Faculty and Staff

120 minutes

Students today experience a variety of stressful situations throughout their college years. In this workshop, learn how to best support students in distress, empower them to regain control, and learn more about how to refer students to helpful resources on campus. In partnership with the Office of the Dean of Students and the University Counseling Center.

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120 minutes

Become a certified Wellness Advocate! A Wellness Advocate is aware of campus resources, practices empathetic communication, and connects their peers to the appropriate supports. In this training, you'll familiarize yourself with the resources the U has to offer, practice communication skills, and learn how to empathize and refer your peers when they're in need of support.

Please keep an eye on our Event Page for any changes to upcoming trainings.

Similar to a medical first aid training, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an international education program proven to be effective in teaching adults how to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges.

MHFA courses are not offered by request; however, if you are interested in signing up for this training, please email us at to learn about our upcoming offerings.

Please keep in mind that MHFA certification takes ~8 hours, which includes time spent on pre-work and TWO sessions. Participants must complete the pre-work and attend BOTH sessions in their entirety.



75 minutes

It can be difficult to know what to do and how to feel when someone shares with you that they have experienced or are experiencing interpersonal violence such as sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, sexual harassment, or stalking. This presentation will help participants answer the following questions:

  • How does interpersonal violence (IPV) impact wellness?
  • How can I best respond when someone discloses IPV to me? What should I say? What shouldn't I say?
  • When IPV is disclosed, who needs to report what, where?
  • What resources are available for survivors?
  • How can I take care of myself?

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Last Updated: 7/15/24