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Self-care is for busy people too

Self-care is for busy people too

As the semester comes to a close, stress levels naturally rise across campus. Not only that, the winter holiday season is often fraught with worry and brings about mixed feelings among students. Between tending to loved ones and studying for demanding classes, the end of the year can be a bittersweet time for many. During this busy time, it’s important to continue to take care of oneself.

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Preparing for Finals Week

Preparing for Finals Week

Finals week is just around the corner. We asked our wellness coaches about self-care and prioritizing wellness during this stressful time.

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Recovery at the U

Recovery at the U

Thanks to a band of students and staff who envisioned a campus recovery-centered community in 2016, we now have the presence of a collegiate recovery community here at the U. That group of advocates in 2016 understood how impactful inappropriate substance use can be to a student’s overall wellness and the importance of support.

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Men (And) Mental Health

Men (And) Mental Health

The title of this piece is symbolic in the fact that we usually hear the words “men and mental health” however we thought that the word “and” allows for a disconnect from the problem we are trying to combat and that it can hinder this process of acceptance.

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Wellness Fair 2021: Take care of U

Wellness Fair 2021: Take care of U

Every fall, the Center for Campus Wellness shares wellness services that cultivate holistic wellbeing and safety for the campus community. Join the Center for Campus Wellness in a celebration of wellness that is centered around you. We acknowledge that everyone's wellness journey is unique. This year’s Wellness Fair, we are holding space for students to reconnect with the community and strengthen their personal wellness goals.

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Last Updated: 9/17/24