Wellness Fair 2021: Take care of U
Every fall, the Center for Campus Wellness shares wellness services that cultivate
holistic wellbeing and safety for the campus community. Join the Center for Campus
Wellness in a celebration of wellness that is centered around you. We acknowledge
that everyone's wellness journey is unique. This year’s Wellness Fair, we are holding
space for students to reconnect with the community and strengthen their personal wellness
NOVEMBER 8 – 12, 2021
Wellness Fair 2021: How do you take care of your wellness?
Join the Center for Campus Wellness in a celebration of wellness that is centered around you, the student!
Each year, the Center for Campus Wellness offers wellness opportunities beyond health education. Last year’s Wellness Fair sparked minds and created space to have dialogue around health, wellness, safety, and equity. This year we want to continue and expand that conversation through the lens of Center for Campus Wellness’ student leaders.
During Wellness Fair week, we turn to our ACES and Engagement Ambassadors to lead events centered around their areas of focus: sexual wellness, mental wellness, identities (masculinities), AOD (alcohol and other drug) harm reduction, and violence prevention. Our hope is that each event not only provides an opportunity for learning and engaging discussion, but also to connect with one another and build community.
We hope to see you at one of our events in November. Please see below for more information about each.
If you would like to help us promote Wellness Fair, please view and utilize our toolkit here.
Wellness Fair Take Care of U Virtual Kickoff
Monday, November 1st
To begin Wellness Fair, the Center for Campus Wellness would like to hear from you about your wellness journey, because we believe sharing your experiences and input will amplify student voices and strengthen community awareness. We are collecting student submissions about how they take care of their wellness. Responses will be shared anonymously and discussed at our wrap-up event on November 12. Please submit your responses here.
Those who submit a response will have an opportunity to enter a raffle for a wellness care package! To enter the raffle, please submit admissions before Friday, Nov. 12th at 11:59PM.
Sexual Wellness: Mobile STI Testing Clinic
Monday, November 8th at 11AM to 1PM in Union West Ballroom
Regular testing is an important component to safe, healthy, and respectful sexual relationships. Take charge of your sexual wellness at our FREE mobile STI testing clinic! With UCard, students will have access to free chlamydia and gonorrhea testing, sexual wellness counseling, and safer sex supplies!
Grab a friend and join us! Please note: Our mobile STI testing clinics are considered a healthcare setting, so masks are required. We will provide masks for those who do not have one.
Mental Wellness: Treat Yourself!
Tuesday, November 9th at 12PM to 2PM in Student Services Building Lobby & Room 380
Co-hosted by University Counseling Center and PEAK Health & Fitness
The goal of this event is to empower students to find community, identify campus resources, build skills to improve psychological and emotional wellbeing, and explore opportunities for treatment.
Treat yourself to mental wellness services and resources. Students will have the opportunity to:
- Complete a depression screening
- Decompress with therapy dogs
- Receive a chair massage
- Build a mental wellness care package
- Join an in-person Mindfulness Meditation session (12:30 pm)
- Write a letter of support for a friend
IDENTITIE$: Exploring Your Relationship with Money
Wednesday, November 10th at 4-5pm in Union 323
Co-hosted by Financial Wellness Center
There are so many factors that influence our relationship with money: how we earn money, how we think about money, and how we spend money. During this event, you will receive tips and tricks on how to make a budget that works for you while also exploring your personal relationship to money, and the societal factors that influence your relationship. By better understanding how you interact with money and why, you can create a more sustainable and long-term financial plan.
Harm Reduction: Safer Party Culture Mocktail Party
Thursday, November 11th 3PM to 5PM in Union Den
So… you are invited to a Mocktail Party! Join your peers, make a fancy mocktail, play some games, and learn about safer party culture. This space is a non-judgmental space, so students will have the opportunity to socialize and find a community that is beyond the normative college party culture. Tools, tricks, and resources will be shared at the event to support individuals on their wellness journey for a safer party culture.
Violence Prevention: Screening and discussion of Netflix Series Sex Education Discussion (S2E3)
Thursday, November 11th 6PM to 8PM in Kahlert Village 1115
During this event, we will be watching and discussing an episode of Netflix show Sex Education to strengthen campus wellness and safety. Join your peers to watch this funny, relatable, and educational show to discuss the impacts of rape culture and identify ways to challenge it.
*Content Warning: event will include the topic of sexual violence*
Friday, November 12th 12PM to 1PM on Zoom – Virtual Wrap-up Discussion
To end Wellness Fair, the Center for Campus Wellness will amplify student voices in the virtual space. We will be discussing student responses to the question: How do you take care of your wellness? And much more. The goal of this discussion is to share and hold space for students to cultivate holistic wellbeing and safety for the campus community.
Join us on Zoom here:
Meeting ID: 967 8116 2838
Passcode: 010865
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