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Compassionate Responses

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visibly upset individual being comforted by another individual


This workshop is for anyone wondering what to do when someone discloses that they have experienced violence, abuse or harm. We will cover topics such as: knowing when you need to mandatorily report, practice supporting an individual during a disclosure, and creating a self-care plan after a disclosure.  

Together we will go over these topics, answer questions, and gain skills to reduce further harm during disclosures. After this workshop you should feel better equipped to navigate disclosures of harm, have a clearer understanding of your role as a mandatory reporter, and how to refer survivors to an advocate. 


  1. Reduce further harm to the survivor during disclosures of violence.

  2. Refer survivors to the Victim Survivor Advocates during disclosure.

  3. Reduce distress for the person they disclose to.

  4. Practice in the moment skills.

Available Formats

In-person, Virtual

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Last Updated: 9/17/24