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We welcome Jessi Burns as a health educator

headshot of jessi burnsWe are so thrilled to welcome our newest team member, Jessi Burns (she/her/hers), to Center for Campus Wellness’s (CCW) prevention team! 

Jessi is no stranger to collegiate wellness. In fact, she has worked on several college campuses across Utah before joining us here at the U. In her previous roles, she has facilitated group fitness classes, designed a wellness coaching program, and addressed health and wellness concerns for students through various activities and campaigns... not unlike what she’ll be doing here in CCW. She is also a certified QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer; a suicide prevention training) instructor, which makes her a great fit for advising our mental wellness and harm reduction ACES teams! 

Not only does Jessi come to us as a seasoned health educator, but she also brings positive energy and creative new ideas. If you meet Jessi on Zoom or walking across campus, please say hello and welcome her to the U! 

Tell us about yourself.   

Most importantly, I’m a Hufflepuff and an Aquarius and my starting Pokémon choice would be a Charmander   Now that the important things are out of the way, I am also a twin mom, dog mom and plant lover. I am finally toward the end of my grad program in public health and I can’t wait to graduate! I love to go for walks and hikes (especially easy going hikes with beautiful scenery) and I’m always down for a good read/podcast on Audible.  

What is your favorite hobby? 

Gardening and plants. I hope to have my own little greenhouse in my yard someday! 

Give us a picture of your life’s simple pleasures. 

Fall leaves and chilly temperatures, sparkly snow, new leaves on my happy plants, reading a book/listening to a podcast that speaks to my soul, my kids laughs and giggles, joking and laughing with my partner, a box of McD’s fries, an ice cold drink of water, the smell of coffee, having a meaningful conversation… I can go on forever!   

What does wellness mean to you?  

The best description of wellness I have heard was : “The active pursuit of your best self.”  

What are you looking forward to most with your new position with Center for Campus Wellness?  

I am especially excited to work on a wellness podcast! What an exciting addition and adventure that will be.  

What do you like most about working with students?  

Their openness to new things and new ways of thinking! Students are in such a gorgeous and exciting time in their lives where they are experiencing so many things on their own for the first time. They are so ready and excited for their new adventures and I am glad to play, even a small part, in helping them navigate through this period of their lives safely.  

Tell us a fun or surprising fact about yourself. 

I love to sing! My partner is an audio engineer, so I have randomly featured on a bunch of his artists’ songs, we have recorded songs together and I have a few songs I recorded on my own.   

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Last Updated: 9/17/24