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speed wellness coaching event flyer

Speed Wellness Coaching Event

Ever heard of Wellness Coaching?  Wonder what it can do for you? Come check learn more at Center for Campus Wellness's Speed Wellness Coaching event on Thursday, 2/24 at 1-3 pm in the Union's West Ballroom. Our Wellness Coaches will be hosting 10- to 15-minute speed sessions where you can experience a one-on-one consultation and learn more about your own wellness!

Coaches will utilize the Wellness Wheel Model, which breaks wellness down into 7 different areas: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, financial, social, and environmental. This model allows for both you and the coach to look at your wellness holistically.

wellness wheel

Here are more specifics that you might consider while assessing your own wellness:

  • Physical: quality of exercise, nutrition, sleep
  • Emotional: resiliency, stress management, self-compassion, mindfulness
  • Intellectual: learning, challenging one's mind, finding new opportunities for learning and self-growth
  • Spiritual: connecting with personal values, finding purpose
  • Financial: budgeting, building healthy money habits
  • Social: communication, establishing boundaries, creating a social network
  • Environmental: quality of, and how one engages with their natural and built environments

The speed sessions will start with introductions so our coaches can learn a little bit about you and what you're looking for out of coaching. Then, the coach will walk through a wellness wheel assessment with you to highlight your priority area. The rest of the session will focus on healthy habit formation and goals that can help you support that area of your wellness. At the end of our speed session, we want you to think about how these behaviors will help you become the person you want to be. Following our speed session, you will have the opportunity to sign up to meet with the coach for a full-length session to continue the conversation.

These sessions are a gateway to your wellness journey and are an introduction to wellness coaching and how it can be a tool to support you. We believe that spending even just a little bit of time to reflect on self can help us progress in our own well-being. And if you need any more reason to join us, we'll have games and snacks in the main area while you wait to meet with a coach!

So come and check out what Wellness Coaching offers and find out if it is a good fit for you. Register here. We hope to see you there!

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Last Updated: 9/17/24