Marketing and Communication Assistant Transition
Best of Success, Katie!
Katie Boonkrataung joined the Center for Campus Wellness team as our first Marketing and Communications Program Assistant after graduating from the University of Utah in 2019. As she transitions out of the role to pursue other goals and development, we want to take a moment to thank her for all her work at the Center for Campus Wellness.
Katie's talent for branding, design, content creation, and partnership building will leave a lasting impact at the Center for Campus Wellness. Her contributions helped bolster our programming and department recognition and broadened our ability to effectively deliver services to an ever-expanding audience within the campus community.
We greatly appreciate Katie's presence and work! Katie, we are so happy for you and all of your success!
Read on to learn about Katie's reflection on her experience.
You started your position after graduating from the U. What was the transition like from student to staff? It was so exciting to return and work for my alma mater! The transition was quite seamless knowing that I had already cultivated wonderful relationships on campus. This helped me in connecting with other individuals, offices, or clubs to build stronger campus partnerships for the CCW. The sense of community is great!
Describe your experience with the CCW. My experience at the CCW was incredibly pivotal – both a game-changer and a strong foundation for my development as a professional, I learned so much about health education, advocacy, and of course, all things marketing and communications. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of a “small, but mighty team” as we would often say. It was a blessing to be surrounded by inspiring individuals who strive to make our campus better.
How was it balancing graduate school and work? Balancing graduate school and work was challenging and humbling at the same time. Taking a step beyond “work-life balance,” I had to juggle work-life-school balance. The experience prompted serious reflection upon my mental health and overall wellbeing, but I felt (and still feel) incredibly thankful to have a team that values the concept that we are all human first, and that life happens and it's ok to have all kinds of days – the good, bad, and everything in between.
What are you most proud of from working at the CCW? During my time here, I am most proud of the growth that I've seen CCW achieve. From cultivating new partnerships, participating in philanthropy, increasing visibility on campus, and advancing social justice and advocacy, the CCW has gone through so much positive change. It's incredible to see and be a part of.
What does your future have in store for you? Next up is finishing graduate school! I am currently pursuing my MPH at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. It's onward and upward here in the big apple.
“Thank you so much CCW! Thank you for all the great memories, life lessons, and good times.”
Welcome, Kay!
As we say farewell to Katie, we welcome Kay Collins (she/her/hers) as our new Marketing and Communication Program Assistant.
Kay has previously worked with the Center for Campus Wellness while pursuing her Master's in Health and Kinesiology. During her time as a Graduate Assistant, she was our Wellness Coach. In that role, Kay was able to provide support to students through workshops, wellness groups, and individual coaching sessions.
As Kay transitions into her new position for the summer, she will continue to amplify our mission to cultivate a holistically well and safe campus community.
Here's a little bit more about Kay –
Tell us about yourself. I am Kay, she/hers. I grew up in Arkansas, but I call Salt Lake City my home. I've been here since 2017 and still have a long list of things I want to do in Utah. I am a plant-mom. I have had Gerald, the barrel cactus, for about 4 years and I've seen him grow from a 3 in tiny fellow to a 7 in blooming wonder
What is your favorite hobby? I have been teaching myself how to sew. I started by making face covering when COVID started. I like how relaxing, yet it engages my mind.
Tell us a fun or surprising fact about yourself. I was featured in New York Times for playing Pokemon Go. Oh, what a fun summer that was! I always love going on walks around my neighborhood, so I can see new sights and get some fresh air.
Give us a picture of your life's simple pleasures. Getting cozy in bed, exhausted after a long day of activities and productivity.
What does wellness mean to you? One's wellness is a dynamic state of being your best, authentic self. You have the capability to learn, evaluate, plan, and create habits to benefit your wellbeing, and it is important to be realistic and find support to succeed.
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