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I started hanging up cardboard signs with the words “You Are Loved” stamped on them 3 years ago. At the time, I was suffering from undiagnosed depression and I was still working on my journey with therapy. I found that when I was most stressed, it would help to hang those signs.

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Taking a deeper look at our needs assessment: Why cultivating student wellness is a priority

Taking a deeper look at our needs assessment: Why cultivating student wellness is a priority

Our students balance a lot: academic study, research, internships, and, if there’s time, a social life and relaxation. On top of that, many of our students are also raising a family and/or working part- or full-time jobs. Each of these commitments demand their time and effort, which can tax their wellness—mentally, emotionally, and physically.

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Thanksgiving and COVID-19

Thanksgiving and COVID-19

Earlier this month, the University of Utah released a message to the campus community asking students to report to a COVID-19 testing location and be tested for coronavirus before heading onto Thanksgiving festivities.

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The campus contraceptive initiative is ready to roll out!

The campus contraceptive initiative is ready to roll out!

One of our ACES Peer Health Educators, Grace Mason, as been involved with University of Utah Health's Department of OB/GYN, dedicating their studies towards sexual and reproductive wellness and justice.

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#UOFUDVAM: The Center for Violence Prevention

#UOFUDVAM: The Center for Violence Prevention

The Center for Violence Prevention is a recent addition to campus organizations, having launched September 22nd of this year. However, director Dr. Chris Linder has been a part of the University of Utah’s campus for years.

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Last Updated: 9/17/24