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Let's talk about masculinity

Let's talk about masculinity

What does it mean to be a man? Does our society still favor gender normative behaviors, or are those stereotypes beginning to dissipate in today’s world?

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Marketing and Communication Assistant Transition

Marketing and Communication Assistant Transition

Katie Boonkrataung joined the Center for Campus Wellness team as our first Marketing and Communications Program Assistant after graduating from the University of Utah in 2019. As she transitions out of the role to pursue other goals and development, we want to take a moment to thank her for all her work at the center.

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One chapter closes, another begins

One chapter closes, another begins

As the school year comes to a close, we bid adieu to our senior ACES, and wish them the best of success in their next adventure. We also welcome our newest ACES Peer Health Educators to the team and begin preparing for our return to campus next fall. As one chapter closes, another beings. It’s onward and upward for all.

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Finals Season + Self Care

Finals Season + Self Care

Warm, sunny days are becoming more frequent as the spring semester comes to a close. This semester, finals begin April 29th, and it is typically a busy time for students as projects, papers, and cumulative tests are due.

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Last Updated: 2/18/25