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Wellness Digest: March 13, 2024

individual on bike riding through marriott library plazaRoll into Finals Season with Wellness in Mind

With Spring Break in the rearview mirror, we are officially entering the second half of the semester. Congrats on all the work you've accomplished so far!

As we roll into finals season, we encourage you to take a moment to reflect on your current wellness practices. 

One way to reflect could be by exploring the interactive YOU at the University of Utah platform, a new resource filled with quizzes and activities specific to our campus!

But if you prefer reflecting & taking action with a peer, consider scheduling a session with a Wellness Coach to help you identify your goals, set up a timeline, be your accountability buddy to get you across the finish line.

Pausing can be a great tool to reconnect with needs and priorities to make the necessary pivots to get back on course.

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Last Updated: 9/17/24