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Support a Survivor

It can be hard to know what to do to help a friend, family member or a student who has disclosed that have experienced or are experiencing interpersonal violence. Here are a couple of considerations and resources that may provide a better understanding about what you can do that will be helpful to your loved-one.

What should you do if you know someone who needs help?

Believe the survivor. Period.


Listen to the survivor.

Let the survivor talk and tell the story how they wish to tell it.

Don't ask for any details that the survivor doesn't offer on their own. You don't need to know anything that they don't want to share.

Ask how you can support them.

Let them know about our office and offer assistance in accessing our services. We can help them understand the resources and options available for their healing.

If they’re not ready for professional support right now, that’s perfectly okay. They can decide when the time is right, and we’ll be here to support them whenever they’re ready.

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Last Updated: 9/13/24